Analysis Of Labor Figures And Factors Affecting Unemployment In Malang City


  • Imanita Septian Rusdianti Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Widyagama Lumajang
  • Siti Nur Ainun Universitas Widyagama Malang



Labor Figures, Unemployment, Malang City


The phenomenon of employment and unemployment dynamics in Malang City has been analyzed not only from the surface but in more depth. The aim of this research is to provide a comprehensive picture of the challenges faced by Malang City in managing the workforce and reducing the unemployment rate. The analysis strategy applied is also relevant and in accordance with the research objective of identifying factors that influence the unemployment rate in Malang City using descriptive qualitative methods. The method in this research uses a qualitative descriptive analysis approach which is used in this research to enable an in-depth understanding of complex phenomena such as employment dynamics. These results and discussions present and provide valuable insight into fluctuations in labor force participation rates, open unemployment rates, and unemployment patterns according to education level in Malang City. This finding regarding the mismatch between the skills possessed by graduates and the demands of the job market highlights the importance of synchronizing the educational curriculum with industry needs. In addition, the policy recommendations provided, such as facilitating the transition from education to the world of work and increasing the relevance of the education curriculum to industry needs, are important strategic steps to improve employment conditions and reduce the unemployment rate in Malang City.


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How to Cite

Rusdianti, I. S., & Ainun, S. N. (2024). Analysis Of Labor Figures And Factors Affecting Unemployment In Malang City. Pangripta Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Perencanaan Pembangunan, 7(1), 49–58.